Canada's largest provider of curated address and neighbourhood data

A HoodQ Report subscription makes it easy to show off your neighbourhood genius
One low price, multiple benefits
Type the address to create reports for any address
Your photo and contact info displayed on every report - automatically
Unlimited number of reports to save, print and share
Canada-wide report coverage​
Detailed reports with and without scores​​
Create beautiful address reports in seconds for ANY address
1. HoodQ Address Report™
Professionally designed one-page marketing reports that show a home's address in the best light.
Use HoodQ to:
Create reports for any address -- instantly -- just by typing an address
Build your brand as a Neighbourhood Expert with your photo and contact info displayed on every report
Print as many reports as you like -- or share the link
Impress prospects at Open Houses and Buyer Tours

2. HoodQ Detailed Report™
3. HoodQ School Report™

Schools are so important to homebuyers, they deserve their own report. Use this one-page report to showcase your knowledge of the designated school catchments for any address.
Each report provides information on the following school types:
Public & Catholic Schools, including designated catchment schools
Private Schools
Alternative and Special Education Schools
Top 6 reasons to subscribe to HoodQ
1. Build your brand as a neighbourhood expert
Your photo & contact info appears on every report
2. Multiple marketing uses
For your listing presentations, buyer tours, open houses, and more
3. Completely unlimited
Generate, save, print or share as many reports as you like
4. Easy to use and saves you time
Create comprehensive reports in seconds, instead of hours
5. Create a professional image
Impress your clients with gold standard reports