Report Subscription Plans
Subscribe to a HoodQ Monthly or Yearly Plan and generate as many reports as you like, for as many addresses as you like. All reports automatically display your photo and contact information.
Per month, billed annually
Includes reports
Yearly Plan
Monthly Plan
Pay month-to-month
Cancel anytime
Includes reports
Attention PropTx Members:
You have access to free non-personalized reports here
All HoodQ subscription plans include:
Access over 10 Million customized HoodQ Address Reports™, Detailed Reports™ and School Reports™ across Canada. ​​
A very easy and quick way to create reports for ANY address in your area. Just type in the address and your report will appear in seconds.
Your contact information and photo automatically featured on every page of every report.
Reports can be saved, printed, or shared electronically via email, or social media platforms, with one click.
Unlimited number of searches and unlimited number of reports.​​